Titus was a military leader in Germany, Britain and most notably in Judaea between 67 and 70 CE, crushing a Jewish revolt and destroying and plundering the Temple in Jerusalem. The Triumphal Arch of Titus was built in Rome to commemorate his victories. He became emperor in 79 on the death of his father Vespasian, but died only two years later.
Ancient historians wrote favourably of Titus. He was considered intelligent, and his programme of building in Rome, including public baths and the completion of the Colosseum, won popularity
Erbach Castle, Germany
Transferred from the Archaeological Institute of Göttingen University in October 1989
Verzeichnis der Gipsabgüsse des Archäologischen Instituts der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 265, no.A1435
Fittschen: Katalog der Antikenskulpturen in Schloss Erbach, no.21