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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Radwell Head

Roman head from southern Britain.

The stone that this head is carved from is from Italy, and the sculpture bears little resemblance to Greco-Roman heads found in Romano-British contexts, such as those from the Temple of Mithras in London. Therefore it is likely that the head was imported ready-made to Britain.

The date is difficult to pin down, but the closest stylistic resemblances are to works of the Julio-Claudian period

Carrara marble
Location of Original: 

Letchworth Museum


Acquired in June 1995


For the site:
JRS LV (1965), 88
Antiquity XLV (1971), 225
Brittania 1974, 260 & pl. XXVII
Scott, E: Gazetteer of Roman Villas in Britain, 94
For comparison:
Poulsen, V: Les Portraits Romains vol.1, 81, no.44, pl. LXXIV-LXXV

Mid C1 CE (?)

Rediscovered in 1994 in a farm building near Radwell in Hertfordshire. Then in a private collection

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