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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Peplos Kore restored

Restored and painted version.
The ancient Greeks painted their sculptures bright colours and adorned them with metal jewellery. Recent scientific analysis shows that her paintwork was even more elaborate, and was re-done with different designs over the years. The little umbrella on her head is called a meniskos and was to keep the weather and birds off

Location of Original: 

Athens Acropolis Museum 679


Purchased in 1975 from Dresden


Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 77 (n.9), pl. 23.2
Karo: Personality in Greek Archaic Art, 264-
Schrader: Archaischen Marmorbildwerke des Akropolis (1939), 45-, pl. 1 (for colour)
Payne & Young: Archaic Marble Sculpture from the Acropolis, 18-
Cook: Journal of Hellenic Studies 96 (1976), 153-4 (for colour and meniskos)
Lehmann: Altgriechische Plastik, 52-57, pl. XVIII (for colour)
Efemeris Archaiologike: 1887, pl. 9 (for colour)
Ridgway: Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, XXXVI (1977)
Cook: Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, XXXVII (1978)
Stewart: Greek Sculpture, 123, pls. 147 &149
Panzanelli (ed.): The Color of Life (2008), 126
American Journal of Archaeology, vol 112 no 2 (April 2008), 347-351

c.530 BCE

Discovered in 1886 on the Acropolis, Athens

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