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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Nikai leading an ox to sacrifice

Relief slab from the balustrade of the Ionic Temple of Athena Nike. Around three of the temple’s sides, offering protection from a vertical drop, was a parapet decorated with reliefs.

The sculptural decoration was on the outside of the parapet. This means that it was not possible to get a close view of the reliefs, and also the sculptures would be one of the first things a visitor to the Acropolis would see.

Here two winged Nikai restrain a small sacrificial bull

Location of Original: 

Athens, Acropolis Museum 973

0.96 x 1.24m

Purchased in 1884 from Brucciani of London


Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 193; pl. 69.4
Walston: Catalogue of Casts in the Museum of Classical Archaeology (1889), 67, no.306
Rhys Carpenter: Sculpture of the Nike Parapet, 67-
Casson: Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum Athens II, 155, no.11, fig.11
Hurwit: The Athenian Acropolis (1999), 213

415-410 BCE

From in front of the Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis, Athens

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