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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Lekythos Grave Monument

This monument is in the form of a large lekythos, which is a type of bottle-shaped vase. On the right is shown the deceased person, with her name, Myrrhine, carved over her head. The god Hermes with his winged heels leads her by the hand to the underworld. The figures to the left represent her family, although it is difficult to tell whether they are the living saying goodbye, or her already-deceased relatives receiving her in the afterlife.

After entering a private collection in Athens, the original is now lost

Pentelic marble
Location of Original: 

Athens, private collection (unknown)


Diepolder: Die Attischen Grabreliefs des V & VI Jahrhunderts (1931), 19, pl. 13.1
Conze: Die Attischen Grabreliefs (1890-1922) II, 249
Johansen: the Attic Grave Reliefs of the Classical Period (1951), 52
Walston: Catalogue of Casts in the Museum of Classical Archaeology (1889), 55, no. 253
Clairmont, in Kopcke & Moore (eds.): Studies in Classical Art and Archaeology (1979), 103

Late C5 BCE



Found in Athens in 1873

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