An athlete fastening his sandal. Named after the English aristocrat who owned it in the eighteenth century, this is a Roman copy of a Greek original. It is sometimes identified as Hermes, although the sculpture has none of the messenger god’s attributes. There are several Roman copies surviving, the best in Paris and Munich, but this one, now in Copenhagen, is unique in having its original head
Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 273a
Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 280 (n.2), pl. 100.2
Poulsen: Katalog over Antike Skulpturen Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 203
Richter: Three Critical Periods in Greek Sculpture, 18, fig.25
Found by Gavin Hamilton in 1769 at Hadrian’s Villa at Tivoli near Rome. Later in Lansdowne House