A corner of a monument showing a mourner.
This relief is only a small fragment of the whole grave memorial; the deceased person is missing and all we see is one of the surviving relatives. The young woman is pouring wine into a kantharos (drinking cup), since one of the most important duties of the survivors was to make a liquid offering to the dead.
Lakonia is in the extreme southern part of mainland Greece
Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 23
Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 89 (n.11).
Johansen: the Attic Grave Reliefs of the Classical Period (1951), 85, fig.38.
Poulsen: Katalog over Antike Skulpturen Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 41, no.23, pl. 11.23
Found in Lakonia, on the coast of Maina