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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Laborde Head

A female head, probably from the Parthenon.

In 1687 during the war between the Turks and the Venetian forces, the Parthenon, then being used as an ammunition dump, came under bombardment by the Venetians. Francesco Morosini, the leader of the Venetian forces later tried, and failed, to remove some of the sculpture from the Parthenon, damaging much in the process. This led the Greekophile Lord Byron much later to call him a “blundering Venetian”.

But it would seem that he did manage to take away this head, as it was rediscovered in Venice in the house of Felice San Gallo, secretary to Morosini. It seems likely therefore that this head was originally from one of the pedimental figures, which today are all lacking heads

Pentelic marble
Location of Original: 

Paris, Louvre


Purchased prior to 1884 by the Fitzwilliam Museum from Brucciani of London. Transferred to the Museum in 1884


Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 153 (n.3), & 24
Picard, C: Revue des Etudes Grècques XLII (1929), 70-
Lawrence: Classical Sculpture (1928), 205

c.438-432 BCE
Pheidias (school of)

Found in Venice in the house of Felice San Gallo, secretary to Morosini, leader of the Venetian forces who attacked the Parthenon in 1687

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