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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Grave Stele of Hegeso

A contemplative seated woman picks jewellery from a box held for her by a standing slave-girl. The jewellery would have been painted on to the marble surface. The deceased woman’s name is inscribed above.

The relief was found in the ancient cemetery of Athens, the Kerameikos. Today a replica stands in situ, out of doors. The original was moved under cover in the mid twentieth century

Pentelic marble
Location of Original: 

Athens, National Museum

1.49 x 0.92m

Purchased in 1884 from Martinelli of Athens


Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 196 (n.1), pl. 72.2
Richter: Sculpture & Sculptors of the Greeks (1950), fig.429
Diepolder: Die Attischen Grabreliefs des V & VI Jahrhunderts (1931), 27, pl. 20
Johansen: the Attic Grave Reliefs of the Classical Period (1951), 17-, fig.5
Conze: Die Attischen Grabreliefs (1890-1922) I, 21-, no.68, pl. XXX
Inscription: IG I(3) 1079

c.400 BCE

Hegeso daughter of Proxenos


Excavated in the Dipylon cemetery in Athens in 1870. Formerly in situ

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