As so often happens with imperial Roman women, little is known of Faustina except through her relatives, usually male. Her father was Antoninus Pius, her husband Marcus Aurelius, and one of her sons Commodus, all emperors.
She was born shortly after 125 CE, and died in 175 while accompanying her husband on his long military campaigns in the north and east of the Roman empire. This portrait however, is thought by some to be of Lucilla, one of her children
Rome, Vatican, Braccio Nuovo, 2195
Transferred from the Archaeological Institute of Göttingen University in October 1989
Verzeichnis der Gipsabgüsse des Archäologischen Instituts der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 257, no.A1391
Fittschen: Die Bildnistypen der Faustina Minor, pl. 19