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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Dying Persian

This Roman copy of a figure defeated in battle probably belongs with the similar-sized Dying Gaul. It is thought that this head is copied from an original group of figures put up by King Attalos I in Pergamon or Delphi. The originals are dated at around 200 BCE, the height of Attalos’s power. It can be identified as a Persian — traditonal enemies of the Athenians — by the moustache, Asiatic eyes and cap

Location of Original: 

Rome, Terme


Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 342 (n.9)
Lawrence: Later Greek Sculpture (1927), 20, pl. 33
Arndt: Brunn-Bruckmann, Denkmäler Griechischer und Römischer Skulptur, I, pl. 515
Paribeni: Catalogue of Greek Sculpture of the 5th Century BC in the National Museum (Terme), Rome (1953), 215, fig.591
Stewart: Attalos, Athens and the Akropolis (2004), 211, fig.247

Roman. Original: c.200 BCE

Found on the Palatine Hill, Rome, in 1867

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