The Kerameikos was the potters’ quarter of ancient Athens, but part of it near the Dipylon Gate was also an important cemetery. This larger than life head was found there so it is safe to assume it is from a memorial statue. An accompanying hand was discovered some years afterwards.
This head is one of a number of Archaic sculptures called the Sunium Group, and may be the products of the same workshop. They all have the characteristic big eyes, long face and stylised features; the ears resemble those of the Sunium Kouros, for example
Athens National Museum 3372
Purchased from the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen in 1933
Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 38; pl. 8.2
Buschor, E, Frühgriechische Jünglinge (1950): 11-14
Matz: Geschichte der Griechische Kunst, 185, pls. 96-98
Richter, Kouroi: 73, no.6, pl. XIV, 46-49
Stewart: Greek Sculpture, 111, pls. 47-8
Found near the Dipylon Gate in Athens in 1911