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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Diana of Versailles

Diana, the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Artemis, tirelessly springs forward, while taking an arrow from the quiver on her right shoulder. A deer jumps at her left. She wears a short chiton (tunic) to make her movements easier.

The sculpture resembles that of her brother, the Apollo Belvedere. However there is little evidence that the two works are by the same sculptor, as has been claimed.

The date has been disputed: it is now thought that the bronze original dated to around 100 BCE rather than to the fourth century BCE. Either way, this is a Roman copy

Location of Original: 

Paris, Louvre 589


Transferred from the Fitzwilliam Museum in 1884


Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 270 (n.4), pl. 98.2
Louvre Catalogue Sommaire (1922), 36
Brunn-Bruckmann: Denkmäler Griechischer und Römischer Skulptur, pl. 420
Walston: Catalogue of Casts in the Museum of Classical Archaeology (1889), 104, no.553
Reporter: 19 June 1885, 894, no.480
Haskell & Penny: Taste and the Antique (1981), 196

Roman. Original: 100 BCE

Found in Italy and given by the Pope to the French king Henri II in the sixteenth century

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