Zeus or Poseidon. The question is, did it hold the three-pronged spear or trident of the god of the sea, Poseidon, or is it throwing a thunderbolt like Zeus, the king of heaven? Zeus appears in a similar pose in bronze statuettes and on coins and vases. Note the unusually long arms
Athens National Museum
Purchased from the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, in 1933
Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 131 (n.13), pl. 37.3
Beyen, HG & Vollgraff, W: Argos et Sicyone (1947), 41-, pls. V-VI
Robinson, CA: American Journal of Archaeology XLIX (1945), 121-
Mylonas: American Journal of Archaeology XLVIII (1944), 143-
Annual of the British School at Athens XXXVII (1936-7), pls. 26-30
Beyen, HG: La Statue d’Artemision (1930)
Journal of Hellenic Studies XLIX (1929), 141-4
Found in the sea off Cape Artemisium, Euboea, 1928