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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Antenor Kore

This kore is larger than life and her dominating presence makes her goddess-like. The carving emphasises the vertical axis, particularly the drapery which resembles fluting on a column, and invites comparison to the architecture which would have been the backdrop to where she stood on the Athenian Acropolis. Her monumentality is augmented by her rather masculine physique, with square jaw and broad shoulders.

Her ankles however are very thin, and her eyes were inset with (probably) glass. These are techniques common in bronze sculpture, rather than stone; perhaps the sculptor normally worked in metal. His name may have been Antenor, as recorded on the inscription; it is however not certain that the base belongs to the statue.

The original sculpture shows traces of red, blue and green painted decoration

Location of Original: 

Athens Acropolis Museum 681


Purchased in 1927


Lippold: Griechische Plastik, 81 (n.1), pl. 24.1
Schrader: Archaischen Marmorbildwerke des Akropolis (1939), 80-
Payne & Young: Archaic Marble Sculpture from the Acropolis, 31
Dickins: Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum I, 228-232
Kirchner: Imagines Inscriptionum Atticarum, no.10 (for inscription)
Stewart: Greek Sculpture, 124, pl. 15
Inscription: IG I(3), 628; DAA 197
Karakasi: Archaic Korai (2003), 125

c.530 BCE
Antenor (?)

Nearchos the potter dedicated this work as an offering to Athena
Antenor the son of Eumares made the statue.
Inscribed on the base, though the base may not belong (see Payne & Young and Dickins)


Acropolis, Athens

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