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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

Agrippa (?)

Agrippa (64 – 12 BCE) was a general and played a crucial part in the naval victory of Augustus over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the battle of Actium. He was later responsible for some major building schemes in Rome, particularly the improvement of the water supply.

This bronze head does not closely resemble images of Agrippa found on coins and in a bust now in the Louvre, which have a heavy furrowed brow. However an inscription dedicated to Agrippa was found with the head

Location of Original: 

New York, Metropolitan Museum, Bronzes 330


Richter: Roman Portraits in the Metropolitan Museum New York, pl.28 (photograph is reversed)
Richter: Catalogue of Bronzes in the Metropolitan Museum New York, 330
Kluge & Lehmann-Hartleben: Die Antiken Grossbronzen, III, pl. II; II, 3-4

Late C1 BCE

Excavated in 1904 at Susa near Turin. Later in Paris

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