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Museum of Classical Archaeology Databases

This is the Museum of Classical Archaeology Collections online database of the plaster cast, pottery sherd and paper squeeze collections. The sherd and squeeze collections may be of more interest to academic researchers but these databases make our collections accessible to all. Please note, however, that these databases are still works in progress.

Search and explore objects held by the Museum of Classical Archaeology by using the navigation fields at the top of the page. Images of all the casts and most of the sherds are now included.

Alternatively, return to the main website of the Museum of Classical Archaeology.

Search the archive

Use our search tools to search the Casts Archive  and the Sherds Archive.

Featured Object

The Belvedere Torso is famous, in part, because of Michelangelo’s admiration for it.

Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge

Every cast tells two stories.
One ancient. One modern.

Admission is free.

We are open

Opening hours

Tues-Fri: 2-5pm
Sat: 10am-1pm (Univ. term-time only)
Sun & Mon: Closed

Closed on Bank Holiday Mondays

Visit us

Museum of Classical Archaeology
Faculty of Classics
Sidgwick Avenue

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Important Information

Museum of Classical Archaeology Web Accessibility Statement